
第11回 城島郷 酒街道をゆく

実施日:2023年11月18日㊏・25日㊏ 10:00~16:00 →次回開催 5月実施予定!Next meeting: Scheduled for May!


飲みくらべおちょこ(1000円)を蔵元で買うと城島のおいしい日本酒が最大10杯まで飲めるイベント。西鉄大善寺駅から30分間隔で運行する無料シャトルバスに乗って、酒蔵を巡ることができる。城島酒蔵びらきが「お祭りの宴」ならば、城島郷 酒街道は「癒し語らい」がテーマ。城島酒蔵びらきとは趣きが異なり、のんびりと城島の街並みとお酒を堪能できるので、なかにはこのイベントの方が好きという方もいらっしゃいます。

This event allows visitors to drink up to 10 cups of Jojima's delicious sake when they buy a sake cup (1,000 yen) at the brewery. Visitors can tour the sake breweries on a free shuttle bus that runs every 30 minutes from Nishitetsu Daizenji Station. If the Jojima Sake Brewery Opening is a "festive party," the theme of the Jojima Sake Road is "healing conversation. Some visitors prefer this event to the Jojima Sake Brewery Biraki because it is a different atmosphere from the Jojima Sake Brewery Biraki, allowing them to relax and enjoy the streets of Jojima and its sake.


Show your "Drink Comparison Card" to receive special offers at the sponsor restaurants!


The event had 669 participants! The next event is being coordinated for implementation in May 2024. Please look forward to it!