

Never drive under the influence of alcohol.

●お酒は20歳になってから ●妊娠中や授乳中の飲酒はお控えください ●お酒は適量を。飲み過ぎにはご注意ください

Alcoholic beverages will not be served unless you are at least 20 years old. /Do not drink alcohol while pregnant or nursing. /Please drink alcoholic beverages in moderation.


Please use public transportation as much as possible.


●シャトルバスの円滑な運行の為、路上駐車はご遠慮ください ●会場周辺の近隣住民の迷惑にならないようご配慮ください

Parking is limited, especially in the vicinity of the main venue./Please refrain from parking on the street to ensure the smooth operation of the shuttle buses. /Please be considerate not to disturb the neighbors around the venue.


Prohibited items at the event site and parking lot

●ドローンの使用禁止 ●指定場所以外の喫煙禁止 ●カセットコンロ等の火気の持ち込み禁止

No use of drones/No smoking except in designated areas/Prohibition of bringing in fire such as cassette stove